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Uploading to Myriad 5

Posted by Jamie Woods on

If you’re only used to uploading music through Nerve, and want to play something else like a vox-pop, interview, or pre-record, here’s the guide to getting it onto the system.

Do not import songs this way!

  • Log into Myriad as yourself! If it’s already logged in, go to File, Logout, then enter your username and password.
Myriad logged in as a person
  • Click MediaWall, and click “Jump”. Enter 100,000 in the box, and click Ok.
  • Scroll using the Left/Right buttons, until you find an empty place
  • Drag your MP3, WAV or whatever into this place. It will import it and get it ready for airplay.
  • It’s imported, but now you need to fill in the metadata! So right click and hit Edit.
  • Click Save, and drag this into the log like you would any other item!